One way example sentences

There is more than one way of looking at the human-environment relationship, depending largely on how this relationship is perceived by human beings.How was this done? One way in which new consumers are created is through advertisements.One way of doing this was through the system of advances.Similarly, for the buyers, import of goods produced in another country is one way of expanding the choice of goods beyond what is domestically produced.One way this can be done is to gradually move to cleaner technologies and processes in factories.One way of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties is by hybridisation.Imagining a heroic past was one way in which the novel helped in popularising the sense of belonging to a common nation.It is one way in which we amuse ourselves, compete with each other and stay fit.How do we deal with this real life situation? One way is to try and improve the knowledge and character of political leaders.We will soon see, however, that this simple additive relation is more complex in more than one way.The fare was thirty paise one way — “which is almost nothing at all,” she heard one well-dressed man say, but to alli, who scarcely saw that much money from one month to the next, it seemed a fortune.Even if a hundred people think in one way, you should have the freedom to think differently and express your views accordingly.In one way or another, he would have to pay for what they gave him.One way to ensure this is to have more women as elected representatives.Religious solace, armed struggle, self improvement and education, economic uplift – there appears to be no one way of doing things.

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